Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Squid Monitoring with Zabbix

This is a quick post to detail monitoring of a Squid 3.1 Proxy server using Zabbix.  This assumes you already have these programs installed and working, including the Zabbix-agent on the proxy server.  I am writing this here because I got frustrated trying to update the Zabbix wiki.  The reason I had to update is that Squid 3+  outputs 'squidclient' commands differently then version 2.

Anyways, I followed the instructions located here: http://www.zabbix.com/wiki/howto/monitor/web/squid.  My updated config is here:

UserParameter=squid.http_requests,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Number of HTTP requests received:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.clients,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Number of clients accessing cache:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.icp_received,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Number of ICP messages received:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.icp_sent,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Number of ICP messages sent:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.icp_queued,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Number of queued ICP replies:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.htcp_received,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Number of HTCP messages received:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.htcp_sent,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Number of HTCP messages sent:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.req_fail_ratio,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Request failure ratio:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.avg_http_req_per_min,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Average HTTP requests per minute since start:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.avg_icp_msg_per_min,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Average ICP messages per minute since start:'|cut -d':' -f2| tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.request_hit_ratio,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Request Hit Ratios:'|cut -d':' -f3|cut -d',' -f1|tr -d ' %'
UserParameter=squid.byte_hit_ratio,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Hits as % of bytes sent:'|cut -d':' -f4|cut -d',' -f1|tr -d ' %'
UserParameter=squid.request_mem_hit_ratio,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Hits as % of all requests:'|cut -d':' -f4|cut -d',' -f1|tr -d ' %'
UserParameter=squid.request_disk_hit_ratio,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Disk hits as % of hit requests:'|cut -d':' -f4|cut -d',' -f1|tr -d ' %'
UserParameter=squid.servicetime_httpreq,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'HTTP Requests (All):'|cut -d':' -f2|tr -s ' '|awk '{print $1}'
UserParameter=squid.process_mem,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Process Data Segment Size via sbrk'|cut -d':' -f2|awk '{print $1}'
UserParameter=squid.cpu_usage,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'CPU Usage:'|cut -d':' -f2|tr -d '%'|tr -d ' \t'
UserParameter=squid.cache_size_disk,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Storage Swap size:'|cut -d':' -f2|awk '{print $1}'
UserParameter=squid.cache_size_mem,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Storage Mem size:'|cut -d':' -f2|awk '{print $1}'
UserParameter=squid.mean_obj_size,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Mean Object Size:'|cut -d':' -f2|awk '{print $1}'
UserParameter=squid.filedescr_max,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Maximum number of file descriptors:'|cut -d':' -f2|awk '{print $1}'
UserParameter=squid.filedescr_avail,squidclient mgr:info|grep 'Available number of file descriptors:'|cut -d':' -f2|awk '{print $1}'